Hawaii … to …. Nepal …


Mom & Girls - Nepal Village
Mom & Girls – Nepal Village

STT = Short Term Team(s)

Short Term Teams are critical to our work in GHNI.  Premised on the reality that a persons’ “presence” is powerful; the larger reality is that those who go are measurably transformed, and will have a better heart and head for those in need, experiencing a reality impossible for those who do not go.

Home - Nepal
Home – Nepal


Hawaii is a very long way from Nepal.  Yet, this Short Term Team was extremely instrumental in moving TCD-Transformational Community Development further along in the villages they served in.

Hawaii Team - Nepal
Hawaii Team – Nepal








Speaking “cross-culturally” of STT(s), there really is no such thing as a giver or receiver.  Both the Hawaii Team AND the Nepal village nationals are giving and receiving of each other, as they relate and learn from each other.  As a USA citizen, I can personally vouch for the breadth and depth of what I have personally “received” in working overseas.  Nationals are vast in their willingness to “give”, even in those times I am there to serve them.  I cannot tell you the number of times I have been GIVEN TO, as nationals in Romania, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, and other locales have given me their last chicken, simply because I was the honored guest.  It’s a radically humbling experience!  And yet we do serve, sometimes in ways we least know.

Ed. Children - Hawaii Team
Ed. Children – Hawaii Team

So come join us to “serve” in GHNI.  And I promise you, you will never ever be the same.

A huge “Thank You” to the Hawaii Team.  And as my once 4-year old child would say … an even “huger” “Thank You” to the Nepalese nationals who allowed this Hawaii Team the experience and memory of a life-time!  Serving has been a  true pleasure.

Daniel – S. Asia Lead Assist

Children's Program - Nepal
Children’s Program – Nepal

Back Up and Re-group!

Gotta Be Bob
Gotta Be Bob

What’s a better attention-getter than a Bob Marley statue, complements of Universal Studio’s(Orlando, Florida)!

A breather from the travels and overseas’ focus, our GHNI-USA(and Geneva, Switzerland) team gathered in Orlando, Florida for a few days of re-grouping, training, camaraderie and new challenges for our future into ’17 and beyond.  What an incredibly good time of seeing where we’ve been and accomplished in the past 15 years.

Each team member was able to update their specific focus, and do some healthy projections out into the future, laboring together to help each other in virtually all capacities.

From various regions we work in, each of us were mutually encouraged to hear stories of how Transformational Community Development(TCD) was impacting individuals, villages, cultures, and governments, in ways  well beyond each of our individual foci.  “Team” matters!  Administrative responsibilities in Geneva and Orlando matter deeply into each village!

I am privileged to have such surroundings of this team, each grabbing a nearby baton or rope from another to help.  We must have each other!

GHNI-Group (Margaritaville Restaurant)
GHNI-Group (Margaritaville Restaurant)


In the months ahead as you read of villages and lives being transformed, please keep in mind that it’s not “about” me.  It’s about our collaborative efforts into the lives … bring Help and Hope to the Hidden and Hurting.

And a HUGE “Thank You” for being equally a part of this team … !!!


Opportunities ... !
Opportunities … !

Village Transformations

2nd Crop Ready To Harvest
2nd Crop Ready To Harvest
Children In Need Of Tutoring
Children In Need Of Tutoring

One Village, Many Transformations

We had a short-term team come from two places to visit us. During their visit we drilled a bore well in one of the TCD villages. This will provide safe drinking water for 20+ families. This was a new experience to these donors. They were very excited about what we are doing in these villages. They stayed in Dhoker Jhara for two nights and slept on the floor. This demonstrated their love and commitment to the villagers.
Ten families were benefitted by the cultivation of a second crop because of the irrigation pond we have made in this village.
We are starting tutorial programs for the children to help them in their schoolwork. We are also educating their parents about the need for them to study at home. Since the parents are not educated themselves, they have not yet seen the need. We are working on another project for irrigation. They want to lift water from the river. This project will help more than 25 families to do three crops each year.

We are most excited to see the change of mindset among the village people!

Manu and Babujan (TCD leaders(new) in the India state of Jharkhand)